Empowering the Farcaster Economy

Moxie is a community-owned and community-governed protocol for efficient markets on Farcaster


We’re on a mission to grow the Farcaster GDP

What is the Moxie Protocol?

Moxie is an orchestration of several smart contracts that can be executed via Frames, Actions, and Apps/Clients. It represents foundational technology that anyone can use to add economic incentives to their Farcaster experience. Builders welcomed!

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How it works?

A full loop decentralized economy that anyone can build with and extend

Turn Followers into Paid Fans

Fan Tokens are available for Members, Channels, and the entire Farcaster Network

Tap into special fans-only features and benefits -- unlimited use cases

Offered via Moxie Batch Auctions which enable fair price discovery

After auctions: Moxie Bonding Curves kick in, emphasizing utility over speculation

Only on Farcaster. Members only. No secondary markets.

Offer Programmatic Rewards

Anyone can easily program Farcaster rewards with Moxie

Reward Farcaster Members & Channels  for actions on Farcaster and onchain

Reward referrals, product trials, actions by followers and Fans

Offer Programmatic Rewards

Anyone can easily program Farcaster rewards with Moxie

Reward Farcaster Members & Channels  for actions on Farcaster and onchain

Reward referrals, product trials, actions by followers and Fans

Farcaster Members Earn Everyday

Members earn through their organic Farcaster and onchain actions

And through their downstream influence on other Members

Attribution built in at every level: Member, followers, channels, frames, onchain

Shared Payouts

Payouts are automatically split between the earning Member
and the community, as follows...

50% to the Member who earned the Reward

20% to the community/channel where the Reward was earned
(if applicable). (to the Fan Token smart contract)

20% to the Member's Fan Tokens (to the Fan Token smart contract)

10% to the overall Farcaster Network Fan Token Tokens (to the
Fan Token smart contract).

Shared Payouts

Payouts are automatically split between the earning Member and the community, as follows...

50% to the Member who earned the Reward

20% to the community/channel where the Reward was earned (if applicable). (to the Fan Token smart contract)

20% to the Member's Fan Tokens (to the Fan Token smart contract)

10% to the overall Farcaster Network Fan Token Tokens. (to the Fan Token smart contract).

1239 Farcaster Launch Partners!

Including these builders, brands, channels and community leaders

Launch Partners!

Get Ready for Launch!

A soulbound Moxie Pass is required to participate. Available only in-frame on Farcaster.